September 18, 2024


Office of International Affairs (KUI) UP45 is a special unit in the field of cooperation and development under the Vice Rector III bridge and the duty to act as a liaison in all matters related to international cooperation.

KUI existence aims to promote cooperation between UP 45 Yogyakarta with other parties outside, so as to improve the capacity of institutions in generating superior human resources and world-class.

KUI established by the Decree No. 152/SK.Rek/UP/XII/2012 dated December 31, 2012.

The function of the Office of International Affairs (KUI) is to run the administration, documentation, management, implementation, and development of international cooperation.

To date, UP 45 have formed a partnership with several institutions abroad in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with several foreign universities, namely:

1. IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) USA

Cooperation with IUP education will enable students to have a weight higher graduation quality through the mechanism of Joint Agreement in education Bachelor of Economics Faculty of Management Studies Program. Students of this program will follow the educational process in UP45 for two years, then continue the next two years at IUP. Graduation will be marked by the commencement of the IUP.

2. Dili Institute of Technology East Timor

MOU with the Dili Institute of Technology has also been done. UP45 is preparing a follow-up agreement in the form of good education collaboration education process through the College of Engineering in the form of exchange of students and faculty as well as faculty shipping to East Timor to provide support for the development of education there.

3. Republic of Yemen Sana’a University

The cooperation in education and science programs, program development, implementation of joint research, internal program consortium Middle East, the development of the library, organizing joint seminars and scientific transfer.

In addition to cooperation with educational institutions, international cooperation UP45 also supporting the academic development process include:

1. Yemen Geology Society

Cooperation between the two organizations focused on the achievement of academic activities include:

a. Student and faculty exchange programs.

b. Program collaboration in joint research activities.

c. Internship program in the Middle East oil company (program 6 months -1 year).

d. Work placement.

e. Curriculum development and course materials.

f. Resource development and capacity of case studies lecturer.

g. Partnership development and training related to the oil and gas industry in the Middle East.

h. Joint development programs and a variety of other technical assistance for both parties.

2. IAYP (International Award for Young People)

The institute is based in the UK who have extracurricular activities to support the implementation of the academic process in the form of youth character development of quality standards that have been used in 125 countries.

KUI Program

1. Workshop

2. Free Training program for foreign students, to introduce about Indonesian, Yogyakarta, customs, performed before the start of lectures as a new student orientation materials.

3. Increased proficiency in English and TOEFL training for lecturers.